Real Function Animator: Polar Domain Coloring Plot

Define a function \(f(x,p)\) with input real number \(x\) and real parameter \(p\).
This plot animates the function plot of \(f(x,p)\) as you scroll through values of \(p\).
Adjust \(p\) by defining a function \(p=g(t)\) from \([0,1]\) to whatever you want your values of \(p\) to be.
I recommend making \(g(t)\) linear. For example: \(g(t)=p_{start}+(p_{end}-p_{start})t\)
where \(p_{start}\) and \(p_{end}\) are the starting and ending values of \(p\) you want to explore
You can create a smoother animation by creating more steps, but this will increase the time needed to generate the animation.
Complex outputs are also supported and appear as colors other than cyan or red.

Enter your function here:
\(f(x,p)= \)  → 
\(p=g(t)= \), \(t \in [0,1]\)  → 
\(|x| \in\) [0,]   \(|x|\) scale    steps:  

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