Real Function Plotter: Polar Domain Coloring Plot

In a domain coloring plot, each point \(x\) in the domain is marked with a color corresponding to \(f(x)\) (top).
Specifically, \(|f(x)|\) is plotted as lightness (from black → white as \(|f(x)|\) goes from \(0\to\infty\))
and \(\text{sign}(f(x))\) is plotted as hue (from positive → red, negative → cyan)
The identity function (\(I(z)=z\)) is included (bottom) to help you interpret the meaning of each color.

Complex outputs are also supported and appear as colors other than cyan or red.

Enter your function here:
\(f(x)= \)  → 
\(|x| \in\) [0,]   \(|x|\) scale