Complex Function Plotter: Side by Side Rectangular Domain Coloring Plot

In a domain coloring plot, each point \(x+yi\) in the domain is marked with a color corresponding to \(f(x+yi)\) (left) or \(g(x+yi)\) (right).
Specifically, for each function \(k\), \(p=Re(k(x+yi))\) is plotted as red (from black → red as \(p\) goes from \(0\to\infty\)),
and \(q=Im(k(x+yi))\) is plotted as cyan (from black → cyan as \(q\) goes from \(0\to\infty\)).

Enter your function here:
\(f(z)= \)  → 
\(g(z)= \)  → 
\(r \in\) [0,]   \(r\) scale   
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