Complex Function Plotter: Rectangular Range Coloring Plot

In a range coloring plot, each point \(x+yi\) in the domain is marked with a color (left).
Then that point is transformed, so that \(f(x+yi)\) is plotted with the same color as the original \(x+yi\) that it came from (right).
\(x+yi\) points in the domain might be mapped to the same points in the range. These are plotted on top of each other, and some information is lost.

In the default (Graph Bottom Up), points in the bottom right corner are plotted first, and can be overwritten by points higher up or farther left

You can uncheck this box to plot from top down and see the effect of \(f\) on points near the bottom or right of the domain.

Enter your function here:
\(f(z)= \)  → 
\(r \in\) [0,]   \(r\) scale      

