2010-01-16 talk: Presented at the 2010 Joint Meetings of the AMS and the MAA in San Francisco as part of "MAA Session on Research on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics, II"
2008-04-08 proceedings: Lima, S., McClain, K., Castillo-Garsow, C. W., & Thompson, P. W. (2009). The design of didactic objects for use in mathematics teachers' professional development. In S. L. Swars, D. W. Stinson, & S. Lemons-Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University.
2008-04-08 talk: Presented at the 2008 NCTM Research Pre-session in Salt Lake City as part of "Affecting Teachers' Images of What and Who They Teach" organized by Patrick Thompson.
2007-08-20 talk: From the Electronic Proceedings for the Tenth Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Part of "Affecting Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Instructional Practices by Affecting their Mathematical Knowledge"
2006-09-29: w/ C. Castillo-Chavez. From the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute conference on Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future.